Student Code of Conduct
The Arts Academy Charter Middle School Student Code of Conduct outlines expectations for student behavior based on the school’s Positive Behavior Support Plan.  
The Code of Conduct is broken down into 4 levels of behaviors and infractions. Behaviors that result in Code of Conduct infractions will be referred to the Administration for review. The Code of Conduct is based on progressive discipline. Repetition of infractions may result in increased severity of consequences as described below.

The behaviors listed are deemed to violate the Code of Conduct as they do not meet the positive expectations of the school. It is important to understand that this information will serve only as a guide for disciplinary actions. All behavioral infractions will be reviewed and investigated by the Administration to determine the effect that the behaviors had on the learning environment. The results of these reviews will determine the severity and length of the consequences.
AACMS Anti-Bullying Policy
AACMS participates in the OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program, and we expect our students to subscribe to the following:
  • We will not bully others.
  • We will help students who are bullied.
  • We will include students who are left out.
  • If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

Any behaviors deemed by administration as bullying will be dealt with as a high level infraction, and offenders will be disciplined accordingly.  False reports of bullying will result in disciplinary action.
Student Expectations During Synchronous Virtual Learning
The following are our expectations for student behavior during all Synchronous Virtual Learning activities:
  • Students MUST have their camera on and be visible during the entire lesson. Displaying a profile picture does not count as visible.
  • There should be no eating during synchronous class periods.
  • Any behavior that is distracting to the teacher or other students is a detriment to the learning environment. If/when a teacher redirects your behavior during a synchronous class period, you must follow their directions.
Level 1 Infractions
Level I Infractions – Attendance

Infraction:                  Description:                                        Consequences:
Late to Class              Arrival to class after the                      1st-4th – Classroom Management Plan
                                    bell rings                                              5th, 8th, 11th, etc. – administrative referral

Late to School            Arrival to period one                             1st-3rd – warning
                                    class after announcements                     4th, 7th, 10th, etc. – administrative referral
                                    have begun
Level 2 Infractions
Infraction 1
0-2 sessions
Infraction 2
1-3 sessions
Infraction 3
2-4 sessions
All consequences are subject to administrative discretion, as deemed most appropriate for the individual incident.
Arrival/Dismissal Misconduct
The inability to follow requests by school personnel. Students should not be walking, or loitering, between buses/cars. School ends at 2:45pm. Students must immediately leave the building, unless given permission by an adult.
Bus Misconduct    
Behavior that may result in harm or injury to another individual. This includes behavior that is disruptive to the driver as he/she is operating the bus. School ends at 2:45pm. Students must immediately leave the building, unless given permission by an adult.  Behavior while at the bus stop may be addressed through the AACMS Code of Conduct.
Cafeteria Misconduct    
Continual refusal to listen to adult requests/redirections while entering, leaving, or in the cafeteria. These requests may be coming from school personnel, and/or dining staff.
Continued Classroom Misconduct    
Ongoing behavior deemed by the teacher to be an interruption to the educational process within the classroom.
Failure to follow directions/redirections within the school building. An excess number of attendance issues may be moved up to the Level II infraction Defiance.
Dress Code Violation    
Any attire, which the administration considers to be an impediment to the quality of instruction or the welfare of the student or school building, will not be permitted. Some examples of dress code violations (see a more extensive list in the Student Handbook):
•    Hats, doo rags, hoods, and sunglasses worn within the building
•    Low riding pants or shorts that expose undergarments
•    Low cut shirts, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, and half shirts
Hallway/Lavatory Misconduct     
Behavior that may injure or infringe on the movement of others, including running  and horseplay. Excessive noise, foul language, or inappropriate physical interactions.
•    Congregating in the lavatory
•    Inappropriate use of lockers
•    Failure to follow directions/redirections given by a school employee
School Activity    
The AACMS Code of Conduct is in effect not only on school grounds, but also in Misconduct    ALL activities in which the student is representing AACMS.
Unauthorized Items    
Items that are deemed to interfere with the learning or wellbeing of other students.  The use of acceptable items (ex. Apple Watches) for inappropriate actions such as answering calls, texting, taking photographs of others, etc.
Some incidents are deemed to be a Level II infraction, but do not fit into any other Level II infractions.

Level 3 Infractions
Infraction 1
3-5 sessions
Infraction 2
1-3 days suspension
Infraction 3
1-3 days suspension
Infraction 4
1-3 days suspension
All consequences are subject to administrative discretion, as deemed most appropriate for the individual incident.
Academic Dishonesty    
Cheating on a test or school assignment.  The sharing of information by the copying or taking photos of graded materials.  Fraud - the altering of materials such as, but not limited to, passes and report cards.
Activating False Fire Alarm     
The willful pulling of the fire alarm when not warranted. In addition to school consequences, law enforcement may become involved.
Damage/Destruction of school/personal property
Willful behavior which damages or destroys property belonging to the school, other students, or any school employee. If deemed appropriate by school administration or law enforcement, the full cost of materials and labor to repair or replace the damaged/destroyed property may be the responsibility of the student(s) causing the damage/destruction.
The use of foul language directed toward a school employee.  The deliberate attempt to insult, belittle, lesson the reputation of, or infringe the public opinion of a school employee.
Improper behavior that may cause physical injury or harm to another individual.  Propping doors or opening school doors for other students/nonstudents from outside of school.
When two or more students are involved in a physical altercation.  Involvement of law enforcement may be included in the consequences given to the students. Their actions are separate from the consequences given by the administration.
Inappropriate Use of School Technology, Internet, and the School Network    
Violation of AACS Acceptable Use Policies (AACS BD POL 9.1.1 & 9.1.2)
Excessive Level II infractions.  Not attending Saturday detention.
Physical Assault    
Any behavior that could cause physical harm or injury to another student.  Generally, when one student is the aggressor, while the other is the recipient.
Any behavior that visually and/or verbally is considered offensive and/or inappropriate for maintaining an effective school environment.
The taking of another's possessions without their consent or knowledge. Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.
Any action that conveys the intent to cause bodily harm to an individual.  May include verbal, physical, or emotional injury to another student.  The deliberate attempt to insult, belittle, lesson the reputation of, or infringe the public opinion of another student.  This may also include electronic communication or actions on social media.  Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.
Tobacco/Vaping Violation    
Possession, sale, distribution of tobacco or vapes on school property, buses, or at a school function off campus. Vapes with either flavoring or nicotine are a Level III infraction.
Unauthorized Area    
Students found outside or leaving school property during school hours without permission from a school employee.
Some incidents are deemed to be a Level III infraction, but do not fit into any other Level III infractions.

Level IV Infractions – Possibly Expellable Offenses

In the case of a Level IV infraction. The student will be suspended for up to 10 days, with a recommendation for an expulsion hearing.

Alcohol/Drug Violation    
The use, possession, sale, or distribution of illegal, controlled substances.  Violation of AACS Policy 2.3.2. Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.
Assault of a District Employee    
Intentionally hitting, pushing, or touching in anyway an employee that is deemed to be an assault.  Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.
Dangerous Weapons/Objects    
Including, but not limited to, any firearm, explosive, knife/cutting instrument.  Possession of a replica of a weapon and/or look alike object may be classified as a Level IV infraction. Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.
Exceeding Level III Consequences    
Exceeding three separate suspensions for a specific Level III infraction. Exceeding five separate suspensions for any combination of Level III infractions.
Terroristic Threats    
Actions or verbal actions that, as deemed valid by administration, threaten to harm the school building or persons of AACMS.  Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.
Due to the severity of an incident, some incidents are deemed to be a Level IV infraction, but do not fit into any other Level IV infraction.  Law enforcement actions are separate from school consequences.