Health Room
An AACMS School Nurse is on duty throughout the school day and provides for the basic medical needs of students and staff, including those who become ill or injured during the school day. The School Nurses also work with parents and families of students with specific medical concerns. The School Nurse can be found in the Health Room, located on the lower level of the school building.
Email Address
Phone Number
(610) 351-0234 ext. 517
COVID-19 Updates from the Health Room
The AACMS Health Room is working hard to ensure our students, faculty, and staff stay healthy throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This section outlines what we’re doing to keep everyone in the AACMS community safe.
At-Home Symptom Screening ChecklistAt-Home Symptom Screening Checklist
Use this checklist to screen your child for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to leaving home for in-person classes.
View Now
COVID-19 Procedures for Students & Staff
Learn what to do if you or your child become sick, how to get tested, and procedures for students returning to in-person classes.
Read More
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources
Review COVID-19 vaccine information compiled by the Health Room.
Read Now
Visiting the Health Room
An AACMS School Nurse is on duty throughout the school day and provides to the basic medical needs of students and staff, including those who become ill or injured during the school day. The School Nurses also work with parents and families of students with specific medical concerns. The School Nurse can be found in the Health Room, located on the lower level of school building. Parents/guardians who wish to speak with the School Nurse should contact the school to schedule an appointment or phone call.

CHIP Information
Voluntary Accident Insurance
Student Health Information Form
Early Dismissal Due to Illness
In the event a student experiences a medical condition requiring early dismissal from school, the School Nurse or a designated staff member will contact the student's parent/guardian and/or emergency contact. A student will only be dismissed early due to illness following examination by the school nurse and consent from his/her parent/guardian. Per the AACMS Cell Phone Policy, students may not use a cell phone or other electronic device to call, text, or message a parent/guardian to request an early dismissal. Doing so will result in disciplinry action.

Medication Procedures
All medications taken during the school day must be administered by the School Nurse, including both prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines. Students must have an Authorization for Medication form, completed and signed by a parent or guardian and the student’s health care provider, on file with the Health Room in order to receive medication during the school day. Parents may not send any medications to school with their student.
Students must have an Authorization for Medication form, completed and signed by a parent or guardian and the student’s health care provider, on file with the Health Room in order to receive medication during the school day.
Parents may not send any medications to school with their student.  
Medicaton Administration Form
Additional Medication Requirements
  • All medication must be kept in the Health Room.
  • All medications must be in the original container and labeled with the child's name, the name of the medication, the amount to be taken, and the time the child is to take the medication.
  • This policy includes all over-the-counter medication including cough drops, allergy medication, cough syrup, cold medication, herbal remedies, and topical ointments.
Health Screenings
State law requires students complete certain medical screenings. AACMS completes these screenings annually in compliance with the law. These include height, weight, vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings. Parents/guardians may request the results of these screenings by contacting the Health Room.
Additionally, state law requires students at certain grade levels complete physical and dental exams.  Students may see their own health care provider for these exams or have the exam completed at school by a qualified physician or dentist.  If your child receives his/her physical or dental exam outside of school, the parent/guardian must complete and submit the appropriate forms, which can be downloaded from this page.

Private Physical Exam Form
Private Dental Exam Form
Too Sick for School?
Attending school regularly is a crucial part of a student's educational success. When a student is ill or not feeling well, their learning may be impacted. This handy guide can help parents determine if their student should attend school or stay home when feeling sick.
Health Room Documents
Download forms and documents related to the Health Room by clicking the buttons below.

Asthma Emergency Care Plan
Food Allergy Emergency Care Plan
State-mandated Student Vaccinations
Seizure Action Plan
Food Allergy Field Guide